


By visiting the site, when you fill out the contact form, send us a message, leave a comment or by accessing the services we make available, you give your consent and provide us with personal information. On this page you find out what data is collected and what is the purpose of its collection and/or processing. Thus you express your consent, that you are informed about the storage and processing of personal data by reading this page. Your consent is freely given and without any conditioning on our part.

From the outset we want to assure you that we do not make available to third parties lists of e-mail addresses for the purpose of obtaining material benefits. When it comes to personal information, we do our best to keep it safe at all times.

The role of this agreement is to explain to you how the customer's personal data is processed, the purpose for which it is used and the rights of the customer whose personal data is processed.

In accordance with the aforementioned legal provisions, as a visitor you become a data subject.


– date personale înseamnă orice date care pot conduce la identificarea unei persoane fizice, fie direct, fie prin corelare între acestea, ca de exemplu nume, prenume, fotografie, vârstă, sex, naționalitate, etnie, adresa de domiciliu/reședința, adresa de e-mail, adresa IP, ocupație, venit, cont bancar, orientare politică, religie, semnătura, etc.

– prelucrare înseamnă orice operațiune sau set de operațiuni efectuate asupra datelor cu caracter personal sau asupra seturilor de date cu caracter personal, cu sau fără utilizarea de mijloace automatizate, cum ar fi colectarea, înregistrarea, organizarea, structurarea, stocarea, adaptarea sau modificarea, extragerea, consultarea, utilizarea, divulgarea prin transmiterea, diseminarea sau punerea la dispoziție în orice alt mod, alinierea sau combinarea, restricționarea, ștergerea sau distrugerea;

– persoană vizată înseamnă persoană fizică ale cărei date cu caracter personal sunt prelucrate, cu titlu de exemplu: asigurat, rudă/împuternicit al asiguratului;

Purpose of personal data processing 

The purpose of processing personal data is mainly to provide products and services and includes information about site promotions, schedules, your identification and the services provided or requested.

In general, the collection of identification data (such as IP or geolocation) is done in order to provide an improved browsing experience and for statistics in order to improve the site's online presence. This is done by collecting cookies or by other specific technical methods and does not always allow identifying the individual (associating a cookie with a person).

Any changes to the terms or conditions set forth above will be notified by email notification.

What are your rights and how can they be exercised?

In addition to the existing rights, from the date of application of the regulation you benefit from additional rights.

Here is the full list of rights you have:

  • The right to information – you can request information regarding the processing activities of your personal data;
  • The right to rectification – you can rectify inaccurate personal data or complete them;
  • The right to data deletion – you can obtain data deletion, if their processing was not legal or in other cases provided by law;
  • The right to restrict processing – you can request the restriction of processing if you dispute the accuracy of the data, as well as in other cases provided by law;
  • The right to object – you can object, in particular, to data processing based on our legitimate interest;
  • The right to data portability – you can receive, under certain conditions, the personal data you have provided to us, in a format that can be read automatically, or you can request that said data be transmitted to another operator within 60 days;
  • The right to file a complaint - you can file a complaint against the manner of processing personal data to the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing;
  • The right to withdraw consent – in cases where the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time. The withdrawal of consent will have effects only for the future, the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal still remaining valid;

Additional rights related to automated decisions: you can request and obtain human intervention regarding that processing, you can express your own point of view about it and you can contest the decision.

To exercise these rights, you can always send an email with the requests to the email address