Your trusted partner for over 20 years
We are a team of specialists with expertise in all stages of the processes involved in recruiting a foreign worker. We go through the whole spectrum of activities, from identifying the labour needs to integrating them into the new working environment and obtaining the Residence Permit.
With more than 20 years of experience in the field of recruitment and selection of foreign workers, in immigration and emigration services, as well as in personnel leasing projects, we take care of all the bureaucratic aspects required by the legislation in this field, both in Romania and in the candidates' countries of origin.
Our mission is to bring in the required workforce in a planned way and with the required level of specialization, thus supporting the local businesses to grow through Romanian workers in a predictable and stable way.
Abordarea noastră
Agilion este o companie pentru managementul forței de muncă, responsabilă, transparentă, bazată pe integritate, profesionalism și empatie.
In 21 years of experience, we are ready to offer the most varied portfolio where clients can find skilled and unskilled employees in any field of work.
We love the long-term relationships with our clients, so in addition to empathy we like to offer full-pack services (all the services you need in one place).
AGILION stands for...
…un partener de încredere pentru companiile mari și medii din România, cărora le oferim soluții complete de recrutare în concordanță cu nevoile lor, soluționând astfel, cu succes, toate cererile privind forța de muncă.